Well tonight is my last night in Gif, tomorrow morning I move into the Cite Universitaire in Paris it certainly doesn't feel like I have been over here for 5 weeks already. . Here is a google map link to my new place
http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Cite+Universitaire,+Paris,+France&sll=48.856558,2.350966&sspn=0.118139,0.242043&ie=UTF8&ll=48.819552,2.339079&spn=0.003695,0.007564&t=h&z=17&om=1I am going to be living at the College Franco-Britannique which is south-east of the green arrow. To be perfectly precise if you go directly south of the arrow, to the first building you come to, on the other side of the boulevard Jourdan and then go 2 buildings to your right and then one more building south, that big brown one is the CFB. The park certainly looks like a nice place, with running tracks and there is even an indoor pool in one of the buildings, only 25m unfortunately.
Before I leave the Chateau here in Gif, I took some photos so you can all see where I have been living for the last month

This is my room

with my bed and the little washbasin.

Here is the communual kitchen. We each get a cupboard where they put our breakfast in the morning and the dining room.

This is the breakfast I got on Saturday morning. It is usually heaps better with a chocolate croissant, croissant and a bread roll with orange juice. They are just heaps slacker on the weekends, breakfast is always late on the weekend, they didn't give my anything at all on Sunday. The French really are pretty slack! I'll take a photo of tomorrow's breakfast so you can see what it normally was like
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